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Chapter 6 Summary

Why professional networking is critical now—and the best sites for doing it  - Agility PR Solutions

 Networking is about you as a person and how you can take your network to add success to your career. The larger your network, the stronger connections you have in the community of your future career. A personal learning network “...involves an individual's topic-oriented goal, a set of practices or techniques aimed at attracting or organizing a variety of relevant content sources, which are selected for their value, to help the owner accomplish a professional goal or personal interest" (pg. 92). Establishing a network can feel overwhelming, your career community is large. There are so many professionals with different skills. However, this is extremely useful because networking can widen your knowledge!

The tool of social media networking has widened over time. While it allows you to connect with your community that isn't local, it can be difficult. You have to be sure to widen your network with different professionals from different backgrounds. This helps widen your knowledge from different experiences that others have gone through. It is beneficial to use these tools to connect with your learning community. Networks are there for everyone to see new information and ideas. Being engaged with your connections is crucial. You have to be present in sharing information and connecting with the community.

Sharing new information and skills is vital to growing the educated community that surrounds you. According to Nussbaum-Beach & Hall (2012) “there are four roles in a connected community: linking, lurking, learning, and leading” (pg. 102). These are also known as the 4Ls, Linking is when someone is newly interested and could be linked into the community. Lurking is those who aren't completely confident in sharing their knowledge but are in the community. Learning is those who participate in broadening the knowledge of the community. Lastly, leaders are those in the community who lead groups and dedicate a large portion of their time to the community!


In public relations, the sole purpose is to create connections and networking is at the base of everything. I have learned so many new skills from the network I have built here at Stockton and around South Jersey. I use all the knowledge I have learned to develop myself as a PR professional. Having my knowledge can help me to create better conversations with my peers and colleagues. The world of PR is changing every day, so I may bring new things to the table compared to someone who has been in the field for 20 years. It all comes together in our connected learning community.

Work Cited

Nussbaum-Beach, S. & Hall, L. R. (2012). The connected educator: Learning and leading in the

digital age. Solution Tree Press.


  1. Hey Faith,
    First off, this summary was written very well. I like how you brought up personal learning networks and how social media can help with this process. Social Media is only getting more popular so using these apps is a great way to expand your network. Twitter is probably the best app to use to connect with others. You wrote that you are majoring in Public Relations and these connected networks are going to be important for you to join. With these connections, you will not only teach others but learn as well. Great job!

  2. Hi Faith,
    I agree with it being important to be an active participant if you wish to gain knowledge from learning networks, and I love how you noted the importance of participation balance by listing the different types of participants (linking, lurking learning, leading) because it is guaranteed that all members have different availability and willingness to be active, so for a learning network to actually be beneficial and thrive, there needs to be a good amount of active participants. When I read this, I also connected it to the classroom as if students aren't open to participating, the class can't be as student-led or reach its fullest potential as hearing students' ideas and questions are essential to a meaningful class. How do you think a leader can draw more lurkers to actively participate and share their ideas to make the network more successful? Great summary.

  3. Hi Faith! I loved your post! I thought you had an excellent understanding of everything discussed in the chapter and I really enjoyed hearing how you will relate this chapter to your future career in public relations! Great job!

  4. After taking a class in PR, I agree that networking is especially important for the field. When you build a connected learning community or personal learning network, you learn a lot about your study of choice and the experiences that others have had in the field. PR is a very socialized and communication-based occupation, and so this kind of networking really is important in order to grow as a practitioner. There have been times where I considered getting into the field myself. To that end, I wish you the best of luck in your journey! You wrote a great summary and reflection :)

  5. Hi Faith
    Social media is definitely critical to a job in PR. There is so much networking you have to do and having something like a Twitter can go a long way with your job, so it's really cool you highlighted its importance to your future career


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