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Social Media Etiquette Project

What is Social Media Etiquette to Me? Social media is a great platform that everyone can use to connect with others. Personally, I enjoy social media because it connects me to so many different people like my family in Italy. Although it is such a great platform, it has to be used properly. I follow the rule as followed when posting personally on social media. "Only post what you wouldn't be scared to show your mother". If I fear or think my mom would act upset or angered by one of my posts, I wouldn't post it or I would find another way to convey a message. I feel that all celebrities should follow a rule similar to this because of how big their social media platforms are and how far they reached.  Video Presentation
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Good vs. Bad Website

                                   In the Livebinder assignment, I was able to get a good grasp on what makes websites good or bad. There are multiple different reasons for a website to be good. A good website must have 4 fundamental principles. These include purpose, aesthetically pleasing, relevance, solid content, and clear navigation. All good websites should also have a good design (visual & technical), good tools, and Google Analytics.     I decided to cover local businesses' websites. I based it on two local restaurants, No Reservations and Freddy J's. Freddy J's has a good website. The website is  aesthetically pleasing with different images and relevant colors for the brand. The tabs on the site are also very well organized, I find it very easy to use the website to find the information I need. On the opposing side, No Reservations could use an upgrade on their website. The website is simple but lacks solid content and navigation. Please watch my video presenta

Chapter 4 Summary

  Chapter four,   Building a Collaborative Culture , starts off by talking about how important collaboration is. Collaboration can be extremely useful, especially in the field of public relations. When collaborating with others, everyone has to be willing to center "the focus on culture and the importance of shared ideals." ( Hall and Nussbaum-Beach, p. 58). Everyone has to work as a team. Next, the book talks about relationships coming first. Throughout this book, we have learned how vital relationships are! This chapter emphasizes the fact that relationships need to be maintained in order to be successful. An important aspect of professional relationships is establishing trust. "Trust, empathy, and reciprocity bond members together in any community or social setting." (Hall and Nussbaum-Beach, p.60). As a public relations student, I have had to create trusting connections with my professors and internship bosses and it has given me many advantages. Trust creates g

Smackdown - Canva

                                                                         Canva  is a graphic design tool that works to simplify the process of digital design. Canva allows for image editing and project-based learning using a simple drag-and-drop interface that works well even for all students. From brainstorming as a group, and working collaboratively, to individual project creation, it has lots of different uses in the classroom. Canva is a free tool that allows students and teachers to work with photo editing, design layout, and more, all within an easy-to-use platform.  Teachers can also use the platform to create guidance, posters, and more for the classroom and beyond.  While you can pay for Canva Pro, teachers can request a classroom format to use for classes. Canva teaches students how to work more creatively when laying out work.  With 250,000+ templates available, creating and progressing through a graphic design is made easy, even for those new to the platform.  https://www.y

Chapter 5 Summary

          There have been so many different tools that I have used throughout my educational career. Growing up, my generation was one of the first to have technology at our fingertips throughout our K-12 years.  "Tools should be employed to aid the learning," (pg. 73  Nussbaum-Beach & Hall, 2012).   The chapter explains that Web 2.0 tools are not useful to users unless they understand how the application/tool is helping them learn. You should always understand the benefits of the tool before use. For example, I explored the use of Canva before downloading and buying the pro version. In the book, the author gives us insight into a website called This website is a tool to organize tagged websites This is a valuable tool for a learning community to connect and see what research is going on within the community. Subscribing to others in your network can be very convenient because once you are subscribed you will be able to see what others have recently tagged.

Chapter 6 Summary

  Networking is about you as a person and how you can take your network to add success to your career. The larger your network, the stronger connections you have in the community of your future career. A personal learning network “...involves an individual's topic-oriented goal, a set of practices or techniques aimed at attracting or organizing a variety of relevant content sources, which are selected for their value, to help the owner accomplish a professional goal or personal interest" (pg. 92). Establishing a network can feel overwhelming, your career community is large. There are so many professionals with different skills. However, this is extremely useful because networking can widen your knowledge! The tool of social media networking has widened over time. While it allows you to connect with your community that isn't local, it can be difficult. You have to be sure to widen your network with different professionals from different backgrounds. This helps widen your