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Chapter 2 Review

Chapter 2 Review       

Chapter 2 enlightens readers about connected learning and how technology benefits teachers and students. This overall means that students can get their full potential out of the classroom to be more educationally prepared than ever before. Technology allows educational communities to teach students in more ways than one. An example is different tutorials online helping students learn to solve the same math problem but in different ways. All ways are correct and lead to the answer. “When teachers collaborate and share their practices collaboratively, they become aware of colleagues with better results and are more receptive to adopting effective practices that lead to improved teaching and learning” (page 36). Teachers can have different ways of teaching and still connect with students through various formats and communication with those professionals around them. I personally benefited from tactics like this in high school when I suffered through pre-calculus. Another teacher in the school helped me to understand the information better thanks to my teacher connecting with her through the use of shared lecture notes.



Communicating with others is an open resource to everyone. This chapter feels personal to my future career choice as a public relations specialist. The definition is the art of communicating through professional organizations. I am currently the president of the Public Relations Student Society of America; the organization is completely online and connects professionals around the nation to create a better PR field for all. Technology has allowed the PR field to offer teachings and mentorship for students and professionals.






Nussbaum-Beach, S. & Hall, L. R. (2012). The connected educator: Learning and leading in the digital age. Solution Tree Press.


  1. I agree with your explanation Faith. I struggled in some classes last year as well and I went to a different teacher for help. The teacher I went to for extra help, helped me understand more than my original teacher did. Not that my original teacher wasn't capable of teaching but simply just because they had different teaching styles. Therefore, I really appreciated what you had to say above because I can relate to your experience with this learning style.


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